Online Reservation

Reservation will be confirmed by email.
Please check the reservation schedule before submitting reservation. Thank you.

Service Request Form - Ultrasonic Cleaner
Name of Company/Institution:
User Name:
Title / Position:
Contact Phone Number:
Date of Use (dd/mm/yyyy):
Time of Use (from hh:mm - to hh:mm):
Description of Job Request:
Special Request:

Technical assistance required:
(See "Labour" in the SPADE Center Charging Scheme.)

Do you accept priority rate (See "Notes 3 to 5" of the SPADE Center Charging Scheme.) to request this job to be performed during non-office hours?
(See "Step 9" of the Procedure for Online Reservation.)

Do you accept priority rate (See "Notes 3 to 5" of the SPADE Center Charging Scheme.) to prevent this job from being preempted by other jobs submitted later?
(See "Step 9" of the Procedure for Online Reservation.)

Do you accept priority rate (See "Notes 3 to 5" of the SPADE Center Charging Scheme.) to request this job preempting other jobs already on queue?
(See "Step 9" of the Procedure for Online Reservation.)

Will you have your staff present in the SPADE Center to monitor this job during the reserved time period?

Do you want to continue the job request when the time needed to perform the request exceeds the duration of the time booked by this reservation?
(This option will only be available if there is no other customer's job following your reserved time slot.)

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the SPADE Center.


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